
June 8, 2020

We announced on our Social Media earlier today, but thought it was appropriate to include in the blog post tonight to clear any confusion that you might have. Here is our recent post:

We do not support or agree with any of the comments made by Greg Glassman. The fact that we have to say that makes this next part easy. We will no longer be a CrossFit affiliate.

We are a community that has always been a family. One that embraces, encourages, and shows up for each other. And we will continue to do that. We will be here with the same goals, support, and community, just under a different name.

Welcome to Antietam Community Fitness.

A. Back Squat- 5×5
Build across all 5 sets

B. AMRAP 16:
400 meter Row
30 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Back Squats (135/95)*

*Take the barbell from the floor