
June 3rd, 2015

Happy birthday Kendra!

Partner WOD!
100 Double Unders/200 Singles (each)
90 Sit Ups (partner holds plank)
80 Wallball Shots (20/14)
70 Double Unders/140 Singles
60 Sit Ups
50 Wallball Shots
40 Double Unders/80 Singles
30 Sit Ups
20 Wallball Shots
10 Double Unders/20 Singles

Teammates will each complete the number of doubles listed, you can complete them at the same time but you cannot move on to the sit ups until your partner is done.  The sit ups can be broken up any way,  but while partner 1 is doing sit ups,  partner 2 must hold plank.  The wallball shots can be broken up any way while partner 2 rests.