
Gym Update

Hey friends!

I know this is a bummer but we will be keeping the gym closed a little bit longer. We are tentatively planning on staying closed until May 1st.  I’ve had a couple conversations with the Bear River Health Department, and I feel like this is the best decision for everyone’s safety. With this additional week and a half, I’m hopeful we’ll have a big impact on continuing to slow the spread and preventing another spike in cases.  Our biggest priority is, and always has been, keeping our members and our community safe. 

Since a lot of you already have equipment checked out, I am confident we can continue working out (virtually) together and keeping our bodies and minds healthy! Please keep the equipment you’ve borrowed and we’ll get a new return time set up as we get closer to May 1st.

We will be opening up a couple more zoom classes for those of you who would like to workout earlier in the day together. Watch for codes and times posted on the blog and Instagram. 

We’re all in this together ❤