
February 15, 2021

A. On the 2:30 x 5 Sets:
Set 1: 10 Front Squats
Set 2: 8 Front Squats
Set 3: 6 Front Squats
Set 4: 4 Front Squats
Set 5: 2 Front Squats

B. AMRAP 15:
21 Medball Squats (50/40)
18 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups (50/35)
15 Medball Cleans over the Shoulder (50/40)

For Time:
800 Meter Run
12 Strict Chest To Bar Pull-ups
800 Meter Run
9 Strict Chest To Bar Pull-ups
800 Meter Run
6 Strict Chest To Bar Pull-ups

Every Additional Break:
200 Meter “Penalty” Run