
February 10th, 2015

Happy Birthday Payton!

Payton’s Birthday WOD:
2 Rounds-
87 Doubles (174 Singles)
10 KBS (53/35)
10 Goblet Squats (53/35)
28 Foot Handstand Walk**
10 Goblet Squats
10 KBS

If you finish under 8:00, do 3 rounds. Β If you finish that under 12:00, do 4 rounds.

**There are SO many options for scaling this if you don’t have handstand walks yet. You can do bear crawl, handstand hold on wall, wall walks, coach assisted handstand walk, shoulder taps, DB shoulder press, etc… so don’t let this intimidate you! Think about what you want to do tomorrow and we’ll make a plan before the workout.