
Challenge Winners!

Here is the moment you all have been waiting for….drumroll please…..after 45 days of full compliance to the 2015 whole 3O nutrition challenge, we have a winner!  This was SO dang hard to pick winners, so we actually had a panel of 5 people who didn’t know any of you guys pick who they thought made the biggest changes.  You all made big changes and we are so proud of you all!!!

1st place Male: Shane Ranzenberger


“My motivation is that I want to lose more weight and I feel a lot better now”.


!st place Female….Angie Murray


“When this challenge was presented, I was back and forth trying to decide if I wanted to do it or not. I remember leaving the gym on a Friday night deciding that I was just going to do my own thing because the Whole 30 was more strict than what I wanted to commit to. By Monday, I had talked myself into doing it because, let’s be honest, I knew I would let myself cheat and not be as strict with my diet unless I committed and signed myself up…..so I did! I had been fighting the battle of losing extra weight gained from medication I had been taking for my neck injury & I had acquired 5 new unwanted friends over the holidays and had not had any success in losing any of it! I was very self-conscience of this and would only wear my loosest workout clothes to the gym hoping others would not notice. I had two main motivations, 1- I was feeling desperate to regain my strength back that I had lost from my surgery and 2-, was that I knew I had a family vacation coming up that I refused to go on being at that weight, feeling crappy and tired. So that was my drive and motivation to making it to the gym every day, getting running in as well and making cheating not an option! Haha I love how this diet has made me feel….so much better, more energy and I’m so glad I made the choice to do this!!”

Special Mention and winner of A Discovery Flight from Leading Aviation….

J Larsen


“I am glad I decided to do the Whole 30. I didn’t realize the effect it would have, not only on my body but my mind and how I feel. I feel better and stronger physically but I also feel mentally tougher and stronger. It wasn’t easy, but at the end, seeing all the results I’m motivated to keep working. This has made me realize we are stronger than we think we are”.

A special thanks to Leading Aviation and Progenex for providing prizes for our winners.

Now the challenge is over you may be thinking what’s next? I highly suggest checking out the Whole 9’s page..Life After Your Whole 30. Tons of info on what your next step should look like, and how to maintain your gains that you made. We hope that everyone who participated found something valuable in their experience in the past 45 days. As always feel free to check with any of your coaches if you have specific questions regarding nutrition.
– Coach Stacey