April 5, 2022
A. Bench Press
B. Hand Over Hand Sled Pull:
4 x 50′
Farmers Carry (heavy):
4 x 100′
Hip Extension:
3 x 12-15 reps
Announcing Our Nutrition Challenge Winners!!
We had so much fun on this challenge! We had so many people go so strong this year, and have seen increidble results. This is always the hardest part… because you ALL win, honestly. You’ve put in the work and seen the results. You are amazing!!
Our consistency winner is BONNIE SUMMERS!! If you know Bonnie, you KNOW she’s been so dedicated to this challenge, and is such a consistent 5 am-er. She always leads the after party core work and never misses a day. We are SO proud of you Bonnie!
Our before and after picture winner is CERISSA HEBDON! I’m going to share her before and afters with her permission, because you can just TELL the freaking hard work put in here. She has made a goal to go for a 1 mile walk or run every single day this year, and is crushing that goal. We love seeing just that little bit of effort that adds up in a big way over time.
When you see these two next, please tell them how awesome they are! Great job this year, you guys!